Friday, February 22, 2008

My big day.........

Have you ever been in a situation, where you really don't want to do what you know you have to do? That was me last night. I did not want to get up for work today. Not just your typical, gee I wish I didn't have to work today. It was more like, my work place is an absolute drain on my life force, and I want to hold on to my soul a little while longer,.......and it's snowing. So I do what any good person does, I turn to God, and I pray.....Lord, if I'm meant to stay home tomorrow, let me know, ok ? Now it may have been that I was being selfish, it's not like I had anything supremely important to do at home today, but something deep inside me kinda' struggled with this. Call off, or go in, call off, go in. So that 's why I left it up to the BIG Guy.

So that was the prayer I repeated throughout the night, as the snow turned to ice and kept falling. And as I lay down for bed, I still didn't really have an answer.

So now it's 5:30 am and I'm up and getting ready for work, I'm still about halfway thinkin'....."you know God, it's not too late to tell me stay home today...." , and as I'm finishing my shower, I'm thinkin' " I guess I was just meant to go in today. "

Fast forward about an hour, and you'll find me in my car nudged up against a guardrail. About 15 minutes into my drive to work, I hit a patch of ice and ran head first at a whopping 20 MPH into a guardrail ( I'm fine...little sore from being tensed up, car needs a little work though). And after I call work on my cell phone to call off, it hit me that at that very moment GOD was saying to me....." Sorry I didn't get back to ya' sooner, go ahead and take the day off, I got this one" I know that God is like, everywhere, and you know, created everything, but as a Comedian, he has poor timing.

Bu seriously, there's a lesson here.........even when everything in you says give up, give in, go ahead shake off the responsibility, life will work out better when you do what you know you should do. I think that it means more to God for you to put out the effort, and let Him help you through it. Now I suppose in my case, just getting up, and attempting to drive to work on ice was proof of effort, and I also guess that home is really where I was supposed to be today.

Let me end this blog with a little bit of fortune cookie wit.......1) Be Careful What You Pray just might get it and 2) When God speaks, sometimes it can hit you like a sledgehammer, other times it's more like a guardrail..........


Jennifer said...

Excited you have a blog now and very happy you are safe after the wreck!! I've bookmarked yours and Stephanie's blogs so I can check in every chance I get like I do everyone else's blogs.

Jennifer G.

Jennifer said...

I really enjoyed your words describing your conversation with God and the thoughts going through your mind. Something I've discovered to be very rewarding in my writings, is to share my heart and be real. People are drawn to a person who is real and a story that is honoring to The Lord and from the heart of the writer.

It's good to have another man out in the blog world speaking positively about God. There's far too many going the other direction.

God bless you and Stephanie in your writing!

Jennifer G.

Zane said...

Nice story Eric. Glad to hear that you are ok. You know, uou should sell your own line of fortune cookies that are based upon events in your

Actually....A wreck was the very thing that brought Sabrina and I closer together.....ironic. Apparently God prefers the use of cars for his business in our current time. Wonder if this was true for chariots back in the day?....all well.